
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Eve and Adam by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate - Thoughts


Title: Eve and Adam
Author: Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate
Pages: 291
Genre: YA
Rating: I liked it alot

Summary: Eve wakes up in the hospital with a serious leg injury after an accident. She meets a man named Solo that works for her mother. They whisk her back to her mother's biopharmaceutical company. While she heals, her mother gives her a special create the perfect boy.

My Thoughts: Another one that is everywhere within the book blogging community. I really liked this book but there were a few things that I didn't like. Eve wasn't my favorite. She was a bit annoying. Wishy washy somehow. The book was an interesting concept. If you could create a person, what kind of person would you make?

I didn't mind the romance but could have done without the best friend subplot. The action was good and the dialogue was believable. Overall I enjoyed it even if there were a few minor things that I didn't enjoy so much. 


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