
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Love-a-Thon Mini Challenge #2 - Spine Poetry

Mini challenge #2 for the Book Blogger Love-a-Thon is SPINE POETRY. Taking some books from our shelves, we were to make a poem out of the titles. I thought it would be fun to use just library books so here is my poem.

The Sin Eater's Confession of
Wicked Appetite in the Map of Time,
Out of the Easy
I am Hooked on Redeeming Love,
In just one day, my paper valentine
brings cinders and sapphires in
the future we left behind.

When I first saw this challenge I didn't think that I would participate but it was really fun! Another thanks to Alexa and Katelyn for putting on this awesome event!


  1. I was very scared about this challenge as well. I have a lot of books and I love poetry so I was disappointed in myself for hesitating. I really love your poem, and you did the smartest thing going to the library. Nice!

  2. well done! :) when i sat down to work on mine i was thinking.... ooooohhh geeze--- here we go..... but it turned out to be fun!!

  3. I was uptight about this challenge as well, I was surprised to come up with anything. Your poem is fantastic! Very creative.

  4. I love your poem :) It's awesome that you managed to find all those books at your library - they must have a great selection!

    Claire @ Project to be Read

  5. Love! I so wanted to try and include Legend in mine because I just finished it! Great job!

  6. I love that your poem tells a complete story! Great job!

  7. I'm so glad you did decide to do this event, I love the way your poem turned out :)

  8. Awesome poem! You've got a great stack of books there!

  9. This was my first attempt at spine poetry too but unlike mine yours came out really good! ;)If these are your library books I am guessing these are all recent/future reads! You got some good titles there!!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  10. Very nice! I really love the last 3 lines! Great job!

  11. Love your poem! Good idea to use only library books.

  12. Woow. You have MANY library books!

    But I love the poem, that's really interesting :D

  13. This is such a great idea! You are so creative!!!

  14. That is really a good idea of creating poem with the name of the book.

    1. They came up with some really great challenges!


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