
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon Wrap Up Post

Another Bout of Books has come and gone. I didn't reach my goal of 5 books but I finished 3 and worked on 2 more so that's not bad.

Things I'd like to do differently next time:

1) Schedule the Twitter chats on my phone so that I won't have anything else going on during them (hopefully).
2) Set goals in terms of pages (like Andi) instead of books. One of the books I read was almost 500 pages. Had a picked smaller books I probably could have come closer to my goal.
3) Make individual posts for each day the day AFTER instead of trying to post at night and keep just one post. In the past, I haven't wanted to overload any readers with individual posts but I'm not sure that I'm all that concerned about that now. They can be ignored if need be :-)
4) Set aside a certain amount of time each day to comment on blogs instead of trying to hit a certain number each day. I can't believe how many bloggers have word verification on their blogs. I hate spam as much as the next person but if you want some dang blasted comments turn the bleeping thing off. Rant over. :-)
5) Not feel guilty about not participating in challenges. I always feel guilty for not participating in challenges but they really aren't my thing. There are some super creative bloggers out there coming up with some super awesome challenges but I just want to read during a read-a-thon instead of trying to come up with spine poetry or whatever. I KNOW that it is totally ok not to participate but I still feel guilty because they word so hard on them.
6) Write reviews immediately after reading the book, like always, instead of rushing to next book and being behind, behind, so behind.

Bout of Books continues to be one of my most favorite bookish events and I can't wait for the next one!


  1. I reached my page count goal, and I definitely think I'll keep that going forward instead of a specific number of books. Cheers to awesome readathons!

    1. Yes, I'm taking your idea and using it myself next time. Great way to do it because some of my books are longer than others. Don't want to read NOTHING but small books either. Brilliant idea, my friend!

  2. I wish I could have participated in this readathon! Next time, for sure! And I think that's a great idea about going for page numbers instead of books read, because often I'll have to read a review book during a readathon and it'll be really long and I end up only reading like one and a half books. So the page number goal is great! Great job, though, and good luck with all those things you want to do differently next time!

    1. It really is one of my favorite bookish events because I so enjoy how laid back it is. Tried to think of things to change for next time now because once we get to next time I will have forgotten. My poor little brain. You are exactly right about the review books...if you've got to get to it and it's long then it takes up so much of the read-a-thon time.


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