
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Bout of Books Goals Post

Bout of Books

Bout of Books is just days away and this is my official goals post. Going easy on myself this time because I'm not sure how my eyes are going to be. If they are good, I'll get more done, but if they are bad, then oh well. La la la life goes on. I love this bookish event because it is so laid back.

Goals are:

Read at least 500 pages total.
Visit at least 15 blogs on the list of particiapting bloggers.
Do one of the Twitter chats.
Don't stress if this is an epic fail and I don't read a single page :-)

I don't have a list of books that I'd like to get read...will just go with what I'm in the mood for. Anyone else participating?

1 comment:

  1. I especially like your last goal... although hopefully that won't be the case! Good luck!


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