
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Radical Dating

Title: Radical Dating: When God Takes Over Your Love Life
Author: Diane Montgomery, Gabrielle Pickle and Sarah Bubar
Pages: 176
Genre: Christian, Dating, Relationships
Source: Publisher for an honest review
Rating: Enjoyable, thought provoking read 
Find It/The Authors: (Goodreads)(Unlocking Femininity Website)
Twitter: (Diane)(Gabrielle)(Sarah)(Unlocking Femininity)
Buy It: Amazon

Radical Dating is a collection of essays about God's plan for our love lives. In following Him, we are to hand over every aspect of our lives to him, including men, relationships or singleness. I was highly interested in reading this book because I am a single mom who has lived through an unwanted divorce. Where is God in all that? This book was just what I needed to read right now and a reminder of things I already knew.

The authors begin with defining love through scriptures. Only through knowledge and belief in God can we experience true love. Outside of God, there is no true love because true love can only be found in Him.

I was tickled that Twilight made several appearances for what true love definitely is not. The authors listed a couple from each generation that was considered love ultimate relationship...from Romeo and Juliet to Paris and Helen of Troy to Scarlet O'Hara and Rhett Butler to Rose and Jack in Titanic to Noah and Allie in The Notebook (swoon...sorry!) and Bella and Edward in Twilight. The one thing that they all have in common is an all consuming, sweeping depiction of love....society's definition of love.

They give specific tips for each season in relationships...from being single, to having a crush, being a girlfriend and being a wife. Our lives change and so do our roles in relationships. One of my favorite ideas was to be the woman of a godly man's dreams.

One flaw was their use of the term "boy" throughout. I am in my 30s and the last thing I want is a "boy". But overall, I enjoyed Radical Dating. It was quick read that really made me think. And their ideas were backed up with scripture, of course.

Filled with ideas of how God wants relationships to work along with practical tips, Radical Dating is a book every woman who considers herself a Christ follower should read. I'd recommend this book to other singles who are looking to include God in every area of their lives, including their love lives. It's well written and engaging. It shows godly ways to live and love in a world that views love so drastically different than He does.  


  1. Dana,

    Thanks for being a part of the Radical Dating blog tour.

    Shaun Tabatt
    Cross Focused Reviews

    1. Glad I got to be a part of another CFR blog tour. Of the three I've participated in, this is the one I needed to read the most!

  2. Great stuff here. Thanks for the review.

    Dating in Pune


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