
Monday, August 5, 2013

Bossypants by Tina Fey {audio review}

Title: Bossypants
Author: Tina Fey
Narrator: Tina Fey
Audio Time: 5 1/2 hours
Source: library
Rating: I liked it

I've always thought that Tina Fey was really funny and I've heard really good things about Bossypants. Overall I enjoyed it but after the 3rd CD I was ready for it to be over. Parts of it I found laugh out loud funny but some parts were, well, boring. 

I don't watch 30 Rock and I'm not a big Alec Baldwin fan and she talks a lot about her show and fangirls all over Alec Baldwin. Some of the stories seemed made up or at the very least exaggerated. I loved when she talked about her daughter though because you could really get how much she enjoyed her and being a mom. 

Having her as the narrator was great. Since the author knows how they meant a book to be read, it's always interesting to listen to them read their work. She does great voices but I had a hard time understanding her part of the time though because she'd trail off into a whisper and I just couldn't get what she was saying.

I think that my expectations were too high for Bossypants. I didn't think that it was as funny as everyone else seems to think. She is most definitely a multi-talented woman. She's lived a varied and interesting life. I think I enjoy her more as an actress though.

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