
Monday, April 13, 2015

Bloggy Business

My reading life has been up and down over the past few months. Sometimes I'm reading every day and sometimes I am hardly reading at all. This lack of reading consistency is a big reason for my lack of blogging - no new books read = no new books to review.
This time around I'm planning to keep it very low key. No schedule, no goals, just posting as I want, as it is fun. I lost part of the fun on my old blog and I don't want that to happen again. I won't be participating in a large number of bookish events. I won't have a Twitter or Facebook profile for my blog - at least not right now. I won't be requesting or accepting review requests since they tend to completely stress me out. Sure, I love getting books in the mail but tracking what needs to be read and when makes for a grumpy me.
I will be posting reviews of most but no all the books that I read. I will be participating in my favorite bookish events - Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon and Bout of Books - for sure and will add others as they work for my schedule and reading interest. I will be visiting my favorite book blogs again and look forward to commenting and interacting with all the great bloggers out there.
I considered having just a general blog again but decided against it. I like having books separate from the rest of my stuff. I might still post a few off topic things but for the most part, I plan to keep it about books.
The name change was obviously a big one. To go from Little Lovely Books to ZombieChaos is quite different. My plan behind Little Lovely Books changed after I originally started the blog so it ended up not being the best name for the types of books I most enjoy reading - zombie, dystopian and apocalyptic.

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