Title: Sidekick: The Misadventures of the New Scarlet Knight
Pages: 216
Genre: YA
Source: Month9Books provided a copy for an honest review
Rating: Fun!
Tickled to be the next stop of the Sidekicks Blog Tour. I was eager to review this book because it is not my usual genre. In a word it was fun.
A short summary from the publisher:
Bobby Baines is in high school, which is bad enough. But things go from bad to worse when his hero, Scarlet Knight, dies. Bobby is forced to take up his mantel, becoming the new Scarlet Knight. Only Scarlet Knight never had to deal with eeking out a passing grade in math, keeping his fellow sidekicks in check, or stopping a giant squid from bearing down on his high school and crushing everyone inside. All this while trying to get the girl! It’s going to take a lot more than a cape, sword and fancy watch to fill Scarlet’s Knight’s shoes. After all, Bobby Baines is no super hero, he’s a Sidekick!Sidekick was a fairly short book but was packed to the brim with action. I thought the wise-cracking Baines was a hoot. He was just trying to find himself in the world. His normal 17 year old problems are compounded by the death of the Scarlet Knight and he steps into his role. I love his matter of fact way of telling the story and showing things from his perspective.
Honestly, I had a bit of a hard time keeping all the characters straight but that didn't stop me from casting all of them for a movie version as I went along. Would be so fun to watch this as a film.
There were great secondary characters which were likeable but I would have liked to have seen them fleshed out a bit more. I loved the interaction between the Sidekicks though.
There was a touch of mystery and a touch of romance and I thought it was well wrapped together to leave the reader feeling flat out happy...such a fun read.
I would recommend this to anyone who loves comic books, lots of action, a wise-cracking main character and a fun, light read.
About the author:
Born in the swamps of Southern New Jersey, Pab Sungenis developed a childhood fascination with cartooning and drew a daily strip for his own amusement for two years before realizing he couldn’t draw. He wound up in broadcasting, worked for numerous stations including WSBU, WOND, WMGM, WSKR, WBNJ, WWBZ, and WKTU. He describes his drawing ability as like that of “a mentally challenged rhinoceros on a Ny-Quil bender”, but thanks to the wonders of photo-manipulation and computer image editing, on February 8, 2006 he found himself creating The New Adventures of Queen Victoria, which has appeared ever since, first on Comicssherpa.com., and now in online syndication with gocomics.com. Pab Sungenis is available for quotes, signings, video or podcast appearances, and all opportunities relative to SIDEKICK: THE MISADVENTURES OF THE NEW SCARLET KNIGHT.
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